SI: 31.10 – 01.11.2019, četrtek in petek
Vreme se je pričelo slabšati, zato smo rekli, da hitro skočimo v Brezno presenečenj, preden se preveč shladi. Odločili smo se, da gremo v spodnje dele in testiramo spanje v našem novem bivaku in na novi lokaciji za bivak, ki sta jo naredila Alenka in Gregi. Tako smo splanirali dvodnevno akcijo. V dolini je padal dež in nas želel pregnati, ampak mi se nismo dali, s polno opremo smo vijugali po cesti na vrh Dobrovelj. Na poti proti vrhu pa nas je presenetil sneg. Kljub letnim gumam smo se prebili do mesta, kjer parkiramo avtomobile. Da je snežilo, je bilo za nas vsekakor boljše, kot pa če bi deževalo, saj nas ni prehudo močilo med pripravo opreme. Je pa mraz pritiskal na nas, da čimprej smuknemo v jamo.
EN: 31.10 – 01.11.2019, Thursday and Friday
The weather started to get worse, so we said that we jump into the Brezno presenečenj (The Abyss of Surprises) as soon as possible before it gets too cold. We decided to go into the lower parts and test sleeping in our new bivouac and the new location for the Bivouac, which was made by Alenka and Gregi. That's why we planned the two-day action. In the valley, the rain was falling and wanted to banish us, but we did not give up, with full equipment we were driving up to the top of the Dobrovlje plateau. On the way to the top, we were surprised by the snow. Despite the summer tires, we arrived to the spot where we usually park our cars. The fact that it is snowing was definitely better for us than if it would rain, because we didn't get too wet during the preparation outside the cave. But the cold still pushed us to sneak into the pit as soon as possible.
SI: Ker je imel vsak po dve transportki, smo se med gibanjem po jami hitro zagreli. Smo mislili, da bomo bolj počasni, ampak zgornji dele že poznamo kot svoj žep in smo se hitro spuščali skozi brezna in ožine do Novega Bivaka. V Novi Bivak smo prišli dodobra segreti. Tam smo pustili hrano, bivak, oblačila ter vse, česar ne bomo potrebovali v spodnjih delih. Nato smo smuknili pod skalo v objemu potoka na drugo stran, kjer se simbolično začne druga polovica jame in vsak, ki je bil v tej jami, pozna tisti efekt, ko prideš na drugo stran ožine, ko zapustiš Stari Bivak. Ta »wow« efekt, saj se tam odprejo visoki kamini in jama postane popolnoma drugačna. Nato smo zavili v meander in začeli obujati spomine na spodnje dele. Ker smo se zadnje dve leti zadrževali pretežno v zgornjih delih, jih izmerili in sistematično raziskali, smo že malo pozabili na spodnji meander.
EN: Since everyone had two transport bags, we quickly warmed up while moving through the cave. We thought we'd be slower, but we already know the top parts as our pocket and we quickly descended through the abysses and passages to the New Bivouac. We came to the New Bivouac quite warmed up. There we left food, bivouac, clothes and everything else we don't need in the lower parts. Then we slipped under a rock and into the embrace of the creek to the other side, where the other half of the cave begins, and everyone who was in this cave knows the effect when you get to the other side of the passage, when you leave the Old Bivouac. This "wow" effect, as there are many high chimneys and the cave becomes completely different. Then we turned into the Meander part and started to bring down memories of the lower parts. Since the last two years we were mostly in the upper parts, measuring and systematically exploring them, we have forgotten the sweet pain of lower meanders.
SI: Počasi smo se prebijali po Meandrskem rovu do Druge prhe, kjer smo urejali sidrišča, da bo bolj prijazna pot za prečenje v Veliki prepad, kjer je pravzaprav prvo globlje brezno v tej jami, -40 metrov globoko. Potem smo počasi napredovali do Brezupne ožine. Ko smo zapustili to ožino, smo se spustili čez brezna in že bili v delu Preboldski sladki greh, kjer se je raziskovalo in opremljalo prejšnja leta. Tam nas je pričakala natrgana vrv in nižje smo opazili, da je nekdo širil prehod v nadaljevanje proti sifonu. Za opravljeno širjenje smo neznanemu Božičku nadvse hvaležni, ampak nad zribano vrvjo pa nismo bili preveč navdušeni. Lea se je lotila izdelave dodatnega sidrišča, ki bo preprečilo ribanje vrvi in nato tudi zamenjala vrv. Med tem sem jaz si šel pogledati plastično vedro, ki se nahaja na dnu brezna in nam je burilo domišljijo o možnih poteh, po katerih bi takšno vedro lahko prišlo v jamo. Nato sem se domislil, da je ostalo tu od barvanja vode, ki so ga opravljali tam v 70-ih letih in ga ni prineslo skozi kakšen kamin, kot sem najprej domneval. Pregledal sem še okoli, če bi bila kje kakšna potencialna luknja, ampak ni je bilo. Bil je samo vhod v meander, ki je nasproten aktivnemu rovu, skozi katerega prideš do brezna, ko zapustiš Brezupno ožino.
EN: Slowly we were going through the Meander to the Second Shower, where we changed the anchor, to make it a more pleasant way to traverse into the Great abyss, which is actually the first deep abyss in this cave,-40 meters deep. Then we slowly progressed to Hopeless Strait. When we left this strait, we descended through abysses and came in the part, called The Sweet Sin of Prebold, which was explored and rigged in previous years. There, we were greeted by a torn rope, and lower we noticed that someone spread the passage to the sequel towards the Syphon. We are very grateful for the spread done, but we weren't too excited about the rope. Lea was going to make an extra anchor to prevent the rope from rubbing and then she replaced the rope. During that, I went to look at the plastic bucket that is located at the bottom of abyss and stirs our imagination of the ways in which such a bucket could come into the pit. Then I thought of the process of colorization of the water, which they were doing in the 70’s in this cave and summed up the bucket didn’t come through any chimney, as I first assumed. I looked around if there was any potential hole, but it wasn't. There was just the entrance to meander, which is in the opposite of an active passage, through which we got to this abyss when we left The Hopeless Strait.
SI: Žiga si je že pripravil vrv in začel plezati proti tistemu meandru. Kmalu je opremil do vhoda v meander in že je smuknil vanj. Nato je začel klicati, da naj prideva čimprej za njim. Hitro sva mu sledila in tudi midva začela premagovati v začetku ozek meander, ki se je malo naprej odprl. Šlo je za povsem suh prostor. Lea je rekla, da če pridemo ven in najdemo drugi vhod, plača v gostilni Grof, karkoli si zaželimo. Po tem ta del tudi dobil ime Lačni grof. Napredovali smo in prišli do prvega brezna. Žiga me je podprl, da sem splezal nad naložene kamne. Ko sem priplezal čez, sem pometal dol, kar je bilo nestabilnega. Potem sta mi Lea in Žiga lahko sledila.
EN: Žiga has already prepared a rope and began to climb towards that meaner. He rigged to the entrance of meander and he slipped into it. Then he started calling us to get to him as soon as possible. We followed him quickly, overcame at the beginning a narrow meander, which opened up little further. It was a completely dry place. Lea said if we come out tonight and find new entrance to the cave, she pays the dinner at prestige local restaurant called Grof (The Count) and that we can order whatever we want. That’s why this part got the name The hungry Count. We have progressed and come to the first pit. Žiga supported me to climb over the stacked stones. When I climbed above them, I removed all unstable rocks. Then Lea and Žiga followed me.
SI: Ker smo želeli jesti pri Grofu, smo seveda sledili poti navzgor. Tako smo preplezali prosto drugi skok in se znašli pred drugim breznom. Tokrat sem jaz Žigu pomagal, da je priplezal višje. Tu je bilo še več zagozdenih skal in je bil kar velik podvig, da jih je nežno zaobšel in prišel nad njih. Potem jih je pometal dol. Bile so ogromne skale, za njimi pa še kar nekaj drobirja. Potem ko je očistil pot, je pogledal, kam je sploh zlezel. Meander se nadaljuje v eno smer cca. 50 metrov in še v drugo smer nekam zavije. Tudi navzgor še gre, ampak ker s sabo nismo vzeli vrvi, saj nismo pričakovali česa takšnega, se je vrnil nazaj. Potem smo se vrnili do vrha prvega brezna, ki smo ga najprej premagali. In gledali, kam se je ta vsa voda iztekala. Kajti vidi se, da je nekoč tu teklo obilo vode, sedaj pa je suho kot poper. Iz apnenca smo na tej globini zopet prišli v tuf, čeprav smo v že mislili, da smo ga zapustili v zgornjih delih. Potem smo stopili naprej do roba, kjer je pred nam zevalo veliko brezno. Brcnil sem dol veliko skalo, ki je med padanjem zažvižgala in treščila na tla. Lea in Žiga sta že začela klepetat, pa sem ju utišal, da še ni konec. Kotaljenje skale je trajalo še kar nekaj časa. Povsem smo bili šokirani, saj smo vsi misli, da se s sifonom jama zaključuje, sedaj pa obstaja velika verjetnost, da se sifonu lahko po tem delu izognemo in pridemo še v večje prostore, saj sodeč po zvoku skale more biti spodaj še neko melišče. Takšno brezno bi prej pričakoval v visokogorju, ne pa na Dobrovljah. Z velikim vprašajem nad glavo, kaj smo našli, smo zapustili fosilni del Lačni grof, ki ga že sedaj ocenjujemo na 300 metrov rovov in še eno globoko brezno, za katero pa ne vemo, ali ima in kakšno povezavo ima s sifonom.
EN: Since we wanted to eat at the Grof, we naturally followed the way up. So we freely climb the second jump and found ourselves in front of the other pit. This time I helped Žiga to climb higher. There were even more stacked rocks and it was a pretty big adventure to pass them gently and come over them. Then he threw the unstable rocks down. After Žiga cleaned his way, he looked what is in front of him. Meander continues in one direction approx. 50 meters and the other direction is turning somewhere. It's going up, too, but since we didn't take the rope with us because we didn't expect anything like that, he decided to come back. Then we returned to the top of the first pit at The hungry Count, which we first defeated. We were observing where all the water went. It is obvious that in the past, here was a lot of water, and now it's dry as pepper. From the limestone, we came back to tuff at this depth, even though we already thought we left it behind in the upper parts. We stepped forward to the edge of a giant abyss in front of us. I kicked down a big rock and it whistled and shattered on the floor. Lea and Žiga have already started chatting, so I had to shut them up telling them it's not over yet. The rock was still rolling for a while. We were completely shocked, because we all think that at Siphon the cave is closing, and now there is a high probability that we can avoid Siphon by this part and we could come to larger spaces, assuming by the sound of the rock. I'd expect a pit like this in the high mountains, not at the Dobrovlje plateau. With a great question mark above the head, we left the fossil part of The hungry Count, which we estimate to 300 meters of length and another deep abyss, of which we do not know whether it has any and what connection it has with the Siphon.
SI: Potem smo se počasi vračali po meandrih in breznih do Bivaka. Tam smo bili okoli polnoči, si postavili bivak, slekli mokre kombinezone in se lotili večje pojedine. Prestižne vojaške SDO - Suhe dnevne obroke. Ob 02:00 smo se zavili v spalke in zaprli utrujene oči. Ko sem proti jutru imel občutek, da se še samo premetavam in razmišljam o spodnji delih, sem pretegnil utrujene ude in poslušal, kako je z mojima dvema sosedoma. Ko sem slišal, da se je Lea začela premetavati, sem jo vprašal, če je že budna. Rekla je, da ne in takoj se je oglasil tudi Žiga, da tudi on več ne spi. Žiga je poiskal svojo zapestno uro in en čas gledal v njo, potrkaval z njo in žalostno ugotavljal, da je zanič, saj kaže 16:15. potem sem jaz pogledal na fotoaparat, ki je tudi kazal 16:15. Prespali smo ves dan, čeprav smo upali, da se bomo zbudili ob času, kot smo navajeni doma, vsaj nekje ob 08:00.
EN: Then we returned thru meanders and abysses to the Bivouac. We were there around midnight, set a bivouac, took off wet jumpsuits and started a big feast. Prestigious military MRE – Meals Ready-to-Eat. At 02:00 we wrapped ourselves in sleeping bags and closed tired eyes. In the “morning”, when I had a feeling that I was just turning from one side to another and thinking about the lower parts from yesterday, I stretched the tired limbs and checked up on my two neighbors. When I heard Lea began to turn around, I asked her if she is awake. She said she is awake and also Žiga said he doesn't sleep anymore. Žiga searched for his watch, for a while he watched at it, knocked it against the wall, and sadly announced that it is broken, as it shows 16:15. Then I looked at the camera, which also showed 16:15. We slept all day, although we hoped that we would wake up at a time as we are used to at home, at least somewhere at 08:00. We were wondering for a while and then started preparing for a brunch. Then Žiga packed his transport bag and quickly went out, because we said we will be out of the cave at 16:00, but we were just waking up at that time. Lea and I packed up the rest of the stuff and we went out slowly. We had a great sleep, so there was no problem leaving the cave through all these straits. We've heard Alenka and Gregi above us with the warm tea. Alenka is already used to the fact that we always come out this cave with at least 4-hour lag when we come from the lower parts, because it's tricky to just jump out. In the late evening, we were sitting in front of the entrance, drinking hot tea and debating that the cave still has a lot of good to discover. We are still going to curse the straits and the long narrow meanders.
SI: Nekaj časa smo se še čudili, nato pa si začeli pripravljati pozni zajtrk. Potem je Žiga spakiral svojo transportko in šel naprej hitro ven, kajti javili smo, da bomo ob 16:00 iz jame, mi pa smo se takrat šele zbudili. Z Leo sva spakirala ostale stvari in počasi šla ven. Spočiti smo bili odlično, zato ni bilo problema zapustiti jamo skozi vse te ožine. Pri vhodnem breznu sva že slišala Alenko in Gregija, ki sta prišla s toplim čajem. Alenka je že navajana, da to jamo vedno zapustimo z vsaj 4-urnim zamikom, kadar prihajamo iz spodnjih delov, saj je težavno kar poleteti ven. V pozni večerni uri smo sedeli pred vhodom, pili topli čaj in razlagali, da nam bo jama dala še veliko lepega za odkrivati. Še bomo preklinjali ožine in dolge ozke meandre.
EN: We slept all day, although we hoped that we would wake up at a time as we are used to at home, at least somewhere at 08:00. We were wondering for a while and then started preparing for a brunch. Then Žiga packed his transport bag and quickly went out, because we said we will be out of the cave at 16:00, but we were just waking up at that time. Lea and I packed up the rest of the stuff and we went out slowly. We had a great sleep, so there was no problem leaving the cave through all these straits. We've heard Alenka and Gregi above us with the warm tea. Alenka is already used to the fact that we always come out this cave with at least 4-hour lag when we come from the lower parts, because it's tricky to just jump out. In the late evening, we were sitting in front of the entrance, drinking hot tea and debating that the cave still has a lot of good to discover. We are still going to curse the straits and the long narrow meanders.
Zapisal: Maks Jamski ; Foto: Lea
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