SI: Nedelja, 6.8.2017
EN: Sunday, 6.8.2017
SI: Vikend se je bližal in misli so bile usmerjene v podzemlje. Jaz sem imel v mislih nekaj bolj delovnega, kot je naprimer kopanje v Dihalniku Keramika. Sreča, da me je Grega rešil z bolj mikavno zadevo, kot je kondiciranje. Po premisleku smo se odločili, da gremo proti Zaloki in se spustimo v Brezno dveh lobanj. Jaz sem se še posebej veselil, da gre zraven Grega in njegova foto oprema, ki daje znak, da bodo nastale dobre slike. Brezno je dolgo veljalo za zelo nevarno zaradi padajočega kamna. Tako ni bilo toliko interesa za obisk v prejšnjih letih. V začetku tega leta smo, za potrebe reševalne vaje, odlično uredili melišča in zavarovali brezno pred padajočimi kamni. Tako nam sedaj omogoča, da ga obiščemo brez problema. Poleg tega je brezno, od vaje, ostalo opremljeno.
EN: The weekend approached and thoughts were directed to the underworld. I was thinking of something more work-like, like digging in the Ceramic entry (Dihalnik Keramika). Luckly, Grega saved me with a more fun thing, like training. After deliberation, we decided to go towards Zaloki and descend into Abyss of two skulls (Brezno dveh lobanj). I was particularly pleased that Grega and his photo equipment are coming along, which is a good sign that good pictures will be created. For a long time the cave has been considered very dangerous due to falling stones. So there was not so much interest in visiting in previous years. Earlier this year, for the needs of the cave rescue team exercise, we managed to protect the abyss from falling stones. It allows us now to visit it without any problem. In addition, the abyss, from the exercise, is equipped.
SI: Z vremenom smo imeli srečo, saj so oblaki soncu preprečili, da bi preveč segrevalo ozračje. Tako je trideset minut hoje minilo v ne preveč segretem vzdušju. Vhodni del je opremil Gregi - da fant potrenira. Nato smo vsi hiteli proti jamskem hladu, tistemu ki smo ga čakali ves prejšnji teden, ko je bilo pasje vroče.
EN: We were lucky with the weather because the clouds prevented the sun from warming the air too much. Thus, thirty minutes of walking passed in a not too warm atmosphere. The entrance was equipped by Gregi - the boy needs practice. Then we all rushed towards the cave shade, the one we had been waiting all week, when it was hot.
SI: Kar hitro smo bili na dnu, saj je jama globoka samo 150 metrov. Zraven smo vzeli še nekaj vrvi, da pregledamo možna nadaljevanja na dnu brezna. Najprej smo mislili, da že vidimo rov, ki bi lahko kazal znake poti v Izvir Ljubija. V rov teče manjši potok, ki je že dobro spral pot. Ampak se je pokazalo, da voda, ki teče vanj pronica skozi kamenje. Tako na dnu rova ne kaže, da bi se jih dalo odkopati ali, kako drugače prodreti v nadaljevanje. Potem sva z Gregijem šla na drugo stran. Tam sva prišla na dnu drugega kraka brezna, kjer je dno zalito z blatom in daje znak, da je voda tu nekoč stala sedaj pa je odtekla v neznane globine.
EN: Soon we were at the bottom. The cave is only 150 meters deep. Next we took a few ropes to examine the possible passage at the bottom of the abyss. First, we thought that we already saw the passage, which could show the signs of the path to the Spring of Ljubija. A small stream flows through the tunnel, which has already flushed a nice route. But it turned out that the water that flows into it is seeps through the rocks. So at the bottom of the passage there are no signs that we could dig up or otherwise break through deeper into the cave. Then Gregi and I went to the other side. There we came to the bottom of the second branch of the abyss, where the bottom is covered with mud and gives a sign that the water here once stood, and that it flowed into unknown depths.
SI: Ampak za enkrat smo rekli, da imamo veliko drugih odprtih delovišč in te vode ne bomo iskali. Seveda smo še mladi in nas bo že počakalo to delo. Počasi smo se začeli vzpenjati na vzgor. Jaz sem bil zelo vesel, da je moja noga pokazala, da še zmore te napore. Vmes sva z Gregom debatirala, kakšne dobre slike bi lahko napravili v tej jami. Še posebej v razpoki, ki se razteza od vrha do dna in je tudi kriva, da je jama sploh nastala. Ko zapuščaš to razpoko je najbolj nevarno, da sprožiš kamen. Tako je vmes prečka, kjer se na polici, da lepo čakati in nevaren del lahko prečkamo en za drugim.
EN: But we decided that we have many other open working sites and we will not look for this water. Of course, we are still young and this work will be waiting for us. We slowly climbed up. I was very happy that my foot showed that it still can do this. In the meantime, Grega and I debated what good pictures we could make in this cave. Especially in the cracks, which stretch from top to bottom and it is also the fault that the cave was created at all. When you leave this crack, it is most dangerous to trigger a stone. At this part we have a rope realing, where you can wait on the shelf and the dangerous part can be crossed one by one.
SI: Zunaj nam je v obraz butnila močna sopara in nam dala grenak občutek, da smo jamski hlad zapustili prehitro. Med potjo do avta so tisti, ki imajo zdrave oči nabirali gobe. Tisti z zdravimi nogami pa so lahko skakali po hribu in nabirali robide ter maline. No tiste veje, ki so segale na cesto sem pa tudi jaz lahko obral.
EN: Outside, the hot moist air gave us a bitter feeling that we left the cave's cool climate too fast. On the way to the car, those who have healthy eyes gathered mushrooms. Those with healthy legs could jump along the hill and gather blackberries and raspberries. Well, those branches that stretched on the road, I could pick up too.
SI: Jamarili smo: Grega, Goran, Gregi in jaz.
EN: Caving: Grega, Goran, Gregi and Max.
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